Summer 2008 Dualstream Day of Zeux Judging Sheets:Malwyn

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----//		Summer/Winter July DoZ, 2008		//----

---+ Topics: +----------------------------------------------------------------
General topic:
Specific topic:
	"Summer 2008 DsDoZ and the End of the World"

---+ Games: +----------------------------------------------------------------
	61892 ( 75/400) : "The Bureau"
	84459 (195/400) : "Monroe Monroe Attorney at LAW"
	90556 (---/400) : ### DISQUALIFIED ###
	36825 (238/400) : "DoZing Off"
	38887 (160/400) : "The Somewhat dull adventures of GUN GUY"
	76722 (267/400) : "...76722?"
	99348 (204/400) : "NUCLEAR DOOM ...and the DsDoZ?"

---+ Judging, yeah: +---------------------------------------------------------
.... General .................................................................
	Bureaucracy! This game was pretty painful and tedious at times, and
	I'm not really sure if that was intentional. I'm giving it the benefit
	of the (lack of?) doubt, and assume it was actually an ingenius look
	into the horrors of bureaucracy, expressed in a medium of sub-par
	graphics and irritating gameplay. Oh, and elevator music.

	Theme - 90/100
		Drab, boring, redundant and sometimes bizarre, 59446 captures
		the theme very nicely and expresses it with the same standard.
	Gameplay - 55/90
		"press space to continue" is really the FIRST message you
		should get in a 'press space' message system, not the second.
		The arbitrarily slow movement, the having to go through a
		handful of messages just to get anywhere, the fact that all
		you had to actually do is get from point A to point B, and
		weave through a maze of bureaucratic nonsense to get there
		is, like the theme adherence, either brilliant or utter
		rubbish. I'm going with 'pretty neat', and the minigames
		were kind of fun, even if the controls were odd and slow.
	Graphics - 40/70
		The graphics let me down a little. They were good, well,
		good-ISH, but some parts just seemed lazy and could have
		been brushed up very easily. The titlescreen looks very
		half-done in particular, but on the whole they worked
		nicely for the atmosphere and had good fundamentals.
		(Custom graphics were unique and appropriate, but the default
		palette didn't really work too well and there were some bad
		colour choices, like the carpet contrasting harshly against
		the foreground).
	Technique - 30/60
		I'm not too sure what the point of the diagonal engine
		was, and it was implemented kind of weirdly. But it was
		definitely a nice touch, and the minigames were technically
		well designed and implemented. I couldn't figure out if
		the filing cabinets were working or not, but I got the thing
		eventually, so they weren't so broken as to not work at all.
		I'm pretty sure I was right and it was wrong when it told me
		to open the door for the first prime number (2), and it said
		no. Ah well, it was still pretty neat.
	Story - 30/50
		While I could pretty much see where the game was going to go
		from the title screen and the theme 'bureaucracy', I liked
		what was done with it. It was boring, inane and kind of stupid
		which was the point! I think, anyway. It didn't pretend to be
		any more thought provoking than a day of zeux, and didn't try
		to engage me with some sort of wit. It was a dumb joke that
		got stretched over a whole game, and it worked.
	Sound - 25/30
		The elevator music was suffocatingly dull and brilliant
		for it. Footsteps and background music, the only thing that
		could have made it complete would be the sound of telephones
		ringing. Maybe someone snoring. What was here fit the game
		more or less perfectly, and bored the hell out of me.
	Total - 270/400

61892 : "The Bureau"
	"In 2040, adventuring heroes have become so commonplace it was
	decided there needed to [be] a bureaucracy to control, regulate and
	track them. Thus the bureau of heroes formed. You are a recent hire
	of this bureau, a promising young hero sent out to battle a hideous
	monster that has been terrorising europe. Or so you've heard. Truth
	be told, you've not heard of this monster before now, despite how
	fearsome everyone asserts it is."

			...what. Anyway, this game is awful.
	Theme - 20/100
		I have no idea what this has to do with bureaucracy.
		The popups were annoying and I guess they were metaphor for
		endless forms to fill out or some crap, but it was just plain
		irritating. When all the popups are gone (thank christ), I'm
		suddenly in the middle of a something somewhere, surrounded
		by people that look like me. Conformity? Maybe. More likely
		it just had nothing to do with anything and it was just a
		symptom of the game being -awful-.
	Gameplay - 5/90
		I seemed to be able to move. That's a good thing. Except the
		RPG battle engine was crap, the movement was FAR too fast, and
		for some reason I'd been blocked from the F2-menu to slow it
		down some. So I'm speeding around, banging into people to talk
		to them, and none of them are talking about anything at all
		bureaucratic. They're just... THERE. What.
	Graphics - 30/70
		I liked the trees, and the sprites and scenery generally looked
		very promising. But they were few, and weren't there for very
	Technique - 5/60
		Five points for the fact that the movement engine MOVED, in
		spite of the fact that it was far too fast to move comfortably.
		Also, measuring milliseconds, hot damn.
	Story - 5/50
		The story was crap. So I read the bit of the end. That was crap
		as well. The bureaucrats are some evil establishment that needs
		to be destroyed? Like in... everything, ever? Okay, that's just
		lame and terrible. I docked five points for bringing ELVES into
		this abomination. On another note, I've realised what a bitch
		of a gesture "OH GOD I'M SORRY FOR THIS" is at the end of games
		like this. If it was "heh, yeah, we ran out of time" or "yeah,
		it's crap, please be nice, :P", yeah, okay fair enough. But
		making a terrible game and then "OH GOD FORGIVE THIS TERRIBLE
		GAME HAVE MERCY etc", as well as blaming this on your teammates
		is just pathetic. Don't do it.
	Sound - 10/30
		Filler music. Well, it filled the void somewhat, but it's still
		just whatever was fished out of a random search at freesound or
		modarchive. Little to no effort whatsoever.
	Total - 75/400

84459 : "Monroe Monroe Attorney at LAW"
	I can understand the connection between lawyers and bureaucracy,
	but this game was just... eh.
	Theme - 0/100
		I don't think I saw anything that had less to do with
		bureaucracy than this game. Hell, I don't think I saw
		or read anything that had to do with attorneys? Or...
		anything, really.
	Gameplay - 80/90 *
		The engine and walking around was pretty slick, and jabbing
		things with a... flagpole? It was fun, but some of the 'bosses'
		were just too difficult to manoeuvre around with the limited
		megazeux four-directional dynamics. With all the other games
		that were either pixel perfect or supported eight directions,
		this was a little annoying, but I can't begrudge it for not
		having a feature already given with megazeux. The head blocked
		my vision too, which was irritating for this kind of gameplay,
		especially when you're fighting a horde of somethings in an
		enclosed space. The tightrope thing was cool and innovative.
		* Apparently there were two other weapons I didn't notice.
		I wasn't really alerted to these until reading Exo's judgement
		so I've added another ten points. Neither of the other weapons
		are as cool as the pole.
	Graphics - 55/70
		These graphics were pretty exemplary. Nice use of colour,
		space, customchars. The enemies were a little dull and too
		abstract for my tastes (the little flying saucer shaped one
		was cute though), and the parallax background was a little
		too chunky (pixel perfection wouldn't have been too hard to
		do here, surely) and the roguelike level was a pretty cool
		and quirky non-sequitur. (Good ASCII beats bad pixelwork,
		and this game has both good ASCII and good pixelwork).
		With the sweet 'jabbing' engine, I would have expected a
		little more flair with the cool flourishes. The levels were
		a little flat, being a maze of solids and floors with blocks
		that disappear when you pick up a key, and I guess this was
		addressed by dropping random custom blocks all over the place
		which just looked messy, especially when I have no idea what
		they're supposed to be. This game has no explanation for the
		graphics or anything else. Also, the title screen was
	Technique - 50/60 *
		The enemies were pretty generic, moving around and trying to
		kill you, which wasn't particularly imaginative. No cool
		weapons or special moves, just moving on to the next level.
		The text engine was neat, if a little jarring, and the 'jab'
		engine was awesome (especially since it wasn't a sword),
		The first board wasn't linked properly and this was probably
		the only game this DoZ that could have used eight-direction
		gameplay yet didn't have it. A little disappointing, but no
		big deal. It was playable for the most part. 
		* Again, two extra weapon engines that worked well. 10pts.
	Story - 0/50
		No story, just a quick dive down the rabbit hole to face off
		with some stuff, for some reason, at some point.
	Sound - 10/30
		Generally pleasant and appropriate sound effects, but the music
		gets repetitive very quickly, with all the bow-chika-wow crap.
		I've been using megazeux for a decade now, and practically all
		the music sounds the same. While this music suits the game a
		lot of the time, some imagination and fresh beats wouldn be a
		good plan.
	Total - 195/400

.... Specific ................................................................
36825 : "DoZing Off"
	I'm really quite fond of collections of weird and quirky minigames,
	and this is pretty much that and not much else. There are six (?) such
	minigames, all rather inane and as thought provoking as tic-tac-toe,
	but short and amusing enough for it to just be fun. I liked this game.
	Theme - 8/20
		This game didn't have a whole lot to do with a DoZ or the end
		of the world, or anything else for that matter. They were
		both mentioned however, and the faux editor graphics were
		pretty consistent.
	Gameplay - 80/120
		I thoroughly enjoyed all four seconds of what gameplay was
		here. I dreaded long-winded games that went nowhere for this
		DoZ, especially for a topic like this. This was the first game
		I played and was pleasantly surprised - and soon addicted to
		these fantastically terrible minigames.
	Graphics - 50/90
		It takes a bit of effort to meticulously recreate the megazeux
		editor bar. For everything else, oh man, these graphics were
		just so brilliantly awful I'd mark it higher than if moderate
		effort were put into them. Very... megazeux graphics, too.
		This game had a very classic feel to it, and I liked it.
	Technique - 70/80
		The code behind the minigames that made use of it seemed to be
		pretty tightly stable and snappy. Movement and response was
		fluid and uhh, trigonometry, hooray. There were some instances
		where it would have been completely impossible to collect all
		the bombs or dodge/shoot down the other sprites, so minus some
		points for not throwing	in a few safeguards.
	Story - 5/50
		Story? Five points for the intro screen, which could be
		considered as being somehow story-like. At least I did.
	Sound - 25/40
		Much like the graphics, the sound and music here ranged from
		smirk to laugh-out-loud, and while irritating after the first
		ten minutes, it had a nice, simplistic endearing quality that
		rounded the game off nicely.
	Total - 238/400

38887 : "The Somewhat dull adventures of GUN GUY"
	I must confess for most of this game, essentially everything after the
	first five minutes, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or what
	was going on. I didn't know if the instant-shoot gun engine actually
	did anything, since no one seemed to be dying, and I finished
	everything in the editor with a very "what the hell" kind of feeling.

	Theme - 10/20
		There seemed to be an apocalypse going on, and I think I read
		something about a day of zeux. That's enough for half marks,
		since I think the rest of the game had something to do with it.
	Gameplay - 60/120
		Jumping about felt awkward and chunky, even by classic megazeux
		standards. Shooting didn't seem to do much, and the whole thing
		seemed to be geared toward moving player from start to finish
		in some irritatingly labyrinthine maze of default graphic
		blocks and little red people shooting at me. I didn't get to
		the finish, because I landed on top of an elevator and I
		apparently ended up in a transport loop of some kind. The
		inventory system seemed kind of tacked on, even for a game of
		this classic zeuxian style. I think there were one or two items
		neither of which I bothered with. A megazeux inventory game
		with a sidescrolling engine, a crowbar and an oil drum. Come on.
	Graphics - 50/90
		The graphics were pretty neat when they were bothered with,
		having a nice classic feel with some oldschool zaniness. There
		wasn't much variation, and the player animations were pretty
		limited. I don't feel there was much time or effort put into
		the graphics and could have been drastically improved with
		another hour or two put into it.
	Technique - 20/80
		The gun engine irritated the hell out of me, jumping was
		jerkier than it should have been, the animations broke, and
		the head came off on the lift. Doors could have done with a
		keypress to enter instead of just jumping on them, and the
		inventory engine... just, why.
	Story - 10/50
		The three or so grey textboxes that popped up were very much
		enlightening to the fact that there was really just no plot
		involved at all. The world was ending, okay, yeah. Everyone
		had that, and it got them at least ten points. This is the
		specific topic though, so... whatever.
	Sound - 10/40
		I'll give some points for the fact that there WAS sound, but
		it was certainly mostly filler. It fit the general feel of
		the game, being classic megazeux blippy crap, but I found it
		irritating and something that made the game slightly more
		grating than if it had been silent. The music suited the game
		in that	the game didn't suit anything. It was arbitrary and
		composed of pretty terrible elements that came together	to form
		something slightly less terrible. Also, the hilarious sound
		effects were out of sync enough with poor timing that all
		humour was lost and it was just noise akin to a bad powerpoint
	Total - 160/400

	Well this was interesting. Another game in which I had practically
	no idea what was going on. There were half a dozen game files, and the
	boards didn't link properly. So I opened up the editor and found a game
	that with twenty four hours and three teammates should have been *MUCH*
	less terrible.

	Theme - 10/20
		Since the game didn't really play anywhere, there were only
		two cinematics to pick out a coherent theme. Neither was
		particularly helpful, but I seemed to make out something about
		lancer-x plotting to destroy the world over a DoZ or something.
		That's enough for ten points, since the theme in question was
		pretty terrible.	
	Gameplay - 5/120
		The menus were horrible (holding down enter? What?) the cinema
		'press space to continue' crap was annoying, there was very
		little that was actually playable, none of which I could access
		without the editor. Five points for the fact that in about
		three of the boards over three worlds, you could actually move.
		In EIGHT directions no less!
	Graphics - 40/90
		I'll be a little more generous, because I saw promise in the
		cinematic graphics, and the level design of the fire level
		looked somewhat promising. The rest was an utter mess however,
		and was pretty much all this game had going for it.
	Technique - 10/80
		The only engine I could see working was the game menu to some
		extent, and the eight-directional movement.
	Story - 20/50
		I found what story there was to be bland, generic and
		ultimately headed nowhere. However, it seemed to have more of
		a basic plot than the rest of the games in the specific topic,
		so I'm inclined to be a little more forgiving.
	Sound - 10/40
		I usually tend to think that bad sound filler is better than
		no sound at all in megazeux games, and truly, this game's
		sound was no more irritating than any of the others'.
		The lightning effect with the thunder sound irritated me
		specifically, since it was out of sync enough to not be
		humorously comical (realism, perhaps?), and the gunshot sound
		was as irritating as any gritty, 8bit samples of a 'bang'
		sound (or maybe some radio static) can be.
	Total - 95/400

76722 : "...76722?"
	This game's engine is simply brilliant. So perfectly choreographed
	that it made waiting for the DoZ worthwhile. The game as a whole was a
	bit less fantastic and more irritating after the first three times
	played, but it's still enjoyable by itself and a spectacular example of
	what can be crapped out by lazy DoZ entrants. Or maybe it just looks
	better in comparison to all the other abominations entered.

	Theme - 12/20
		This game probably has the most to do with the day of zeux and
		the end of the world out of any of the games, but it was
		ultimately just "run through, don't die, open the editor
		because the boss is ridiculously difficult", and for a
		specific theme, none of it really mattered. And so a very
		'no matter' twelve.
	Gameplay - 90/120
		I'm not entirely sure where gameplay ends and technique begins
		here. The jumping about and limited exploring was fun, as was
		simply observing the dynamics of the pixel-perfect ascii world.
		 The enemies were bland but solid, although the boss was just
		freaking insane. And pointless. Suffice to say, I liked the
		parts of the game where you weren't being attacked or supposed
		to attack something.
	Graphics - 85/90
		I often consider well-executed ascii graphics to be superior
		to poorly executed custom graphics, but this took the whole
		matter even further. Here were some ascii graphics presented
		in a freaking PIXEL PERFECT engine. The cartoonish feel of the
		game was really pleasant but could have done a little more in
		the way of background (even blank chars could be used in this
		style of game, and could have been used well), and the text
		engine was just plain neato. Extra points for creative use of
		ascii characters, minus a few for some bland backgrounds and
		ugly blocks. At any rate, graphics were this game's best
		feature at least on account of being intimately linked to the
		pixel perfect engine.
	Technique - 55/80
		I noticed some bugs (everything dies if you leave a place then
		return), which were incidentally pretty merciful, considering
		the relative difficulty of the enemies and my reluctance to
		bother playing a game where everything will probably kill me
		if I stand still. The jumping engine was as usual fluid and
		seamless, but the pixel perfect colour bleeding was a little
		irritating and could have been dampened with a better use of
		blocks. The final boss was stupidly difficult and not
		particularly imaginative. It flew around and shot braces at
		me, like all the other enemies, and also DID NOT DIE. All in
		all, a good, moderately polished engine that could have used
		some imagination and in some cases, common sense.
	Story - 10/50
		The day of zeux was mentioned, and the world was apparently
		ending. Ten points to ravenclaw.
	Sound - 15/40
		I found the music and sound effects hilarious when I first
		played, and didn't mind that all of them were the audio
		equivalent of having a family of beetles nesting in one's
		eardrum. But then I kept playing, and the sounds just got
		more grating. I would have started with a 25 for the quirkiness
		of voice-acted megazeux music, but it slipped consistently as
		long as I played it. If the loops were a little longer, it
		mightn't have been so horrible, and the sound effects
		were neat.
	Total - 267/400

	Theme - 0/20
		Mermaids apparently don't have much to do with the world ending
		or the day of zeux. Unless merfolk are causing global warming in
		order to raise sea levels and invade coastal regions.
	Gameplay - 5/120
		There was some swimming involved.
	Graphics - 5/90
		There were some graphics involved. A mermaid and a background.
		It would have been quite cool to see with some other scenery.
		Very... atari 2600.
	Technique - 5/80
		Swimming was clunky, but did work.
	Story - 0/50
		We've addressed the merfolk conspiracy.
	Sound - 0/40
		Glub glub glub.
	Total - 15/400
99348 : "NUCLEAR DOOM ...and the DsDoZ?"
	Compared to all the other terrible games that made no effort whatsoever
	I was pleasantly surprised by this game's complete lack of pretentious
	'engines' and efforts to soldier on and present itself as something
	that, if nothing else, was PLAYABLE from start to finish. Original
	megazeux elements and primitives to the rescue.

	Theme - 12/20
		Terrible and irrelevant yes, but it gets extra points for
		having practically nothing to detract from the theme.
	Gameplay - 50/120
		You know what? I enjoyed the gameplay. It didn't break, it
		had familiar controls and intuitive/expectable workings.
		Simple, but effective, and I actually enjoyed it to my
		surprise. Forty five seconds of fun!
	Graphics - 12/90
		Ten points for organising the default megazeux graphics into
		a level design that didn't make me want to puke, and two points
		for the custom characters. Both of them.
	Technique - 50/80
		Oh sure, there could have been amazing robotic tricks with
		sprites and vlayers and partial char sets and full motion video
		and supermzx engines and balloon rides and watermelon and all
		the shits and whistles that are all the rage these days. But
		this crappy little game that looked like CANS played from start
		to finish, all robots did what they were supposed to and all
		the boards linked up properly. This game worked BETTER than
		all that crap. This was one of maybe three games this DoZ
		that had no bugs to speak of whatsoever. So, 50 points.
	Story - 25/50
		With the perfect gameplay it was easier to make out a clear
		and concise plot, or something like it anyway. This was a
		crappy game for a crappy topic and the story was appropriately
		crappy also. It was not the least bit complex, and it was
		generic and predictable (again, bad topic) of course, but
		it worked for me.
	Sound - 30/40
		I actually liked two of the MODs at least, which was refreshing
		given the other crap in this day of zeux. Blippy and zeuxish,
		but also CATCHY and something you could really listen to while
		playing for forty seconds. 51921 and 38887 didn't get this far,
		so 99348 gets a few extra points.
	Total - 204/400