List of known worlds that fail validation

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Several MegaZeux worlds, from infamous to little-known, fail MegaZeux's validation checks.

Major Errors

This is for worlds that fail major validation checks -- worlds that completely fail or with one or more boards that are broken beyond repair.

Title Error type Description
Pre-2.83 SVN games Board Several games made with certain SVN versions of MZX contain 2.82X boards but have a 2.83 world magic, leading to errors when loaded in any official release version. See the appropriate section.
Archer Gremory Is Thirsty World This game attempts a swap world to an invalid file designed to pass as a locked world.
Brotherhood, The: Legacy of Drake (HUNTDRAK.MZX) Board Seven corrupt boards exist in the middle of the file.
Civil War 2040 Board One board is corrupt or truncated.
DA BOMB!!!!!! (corrupt version) World All instances of the byte 0A were replaced with 0D 0A newlines due to FTP misuse, causing the world to fail validation. Version on DMZX is corrected.
Final Fantasy: Dynasty Prelude Project Dump World (WORLD03.MZX), Robot (FFTOWNO.MZX), Board (all worlds failing a CRC check) Akwende infamously released this ZIP file in his departure from the community.
Lesbian Space Pirates (9.mzx) Board Corrupt board. The global robot is also corrupt, but gets silently caught due to an early program end. This world was made in a hex editor.
Mana Lust (pre-fix) Board One of the boards has a subtly incorrect pointer from an unknown cause. The version available on DMZX has this corrected.
MZX Target (pre-recovery) Board, Robot, Program World is completely truncated starting at least one program from the end of the fifth or sixth board. A complete version has since been released.
Star Quest (#4214) Board, Robot Corrupt robots, several missing robots in a truncated board, the errors go on.
Weirdland 3 (corrupt version) World Same issue as DA BOMB!!! above -- all 0A bytes were converted to 0D 0A.
z1111000.mzx (in the Fanye folder) Program Every single robot in the world has a corrupt program. This world was probably made in a hex editor.
Shaq Hut 2 (Project Dump) Robot This world has a corrupt global robot, and as a result nothing in the game works properly.

Pre-2.83 SVN games

These files can be fixed by hex editing byte 28 from \x53 to \x52.

The following games have been fixed:

Minor Errors

This is for worlds that have one or two minor board issues, trigger the "expected # robots" error message, or attempt to use corrupt MZMs.

Title Description
HELL STAR A board in this game contains one more robot than was specified in the robot data for the board.
instacrash.mzx A world made by mzxrules. The end of the board is corrupt, making it think there are no robots when there really is one. MZX itself can't do anything about this but a utility could be made to recover "missing" programs such as this one.

Invalid Programs

This is for games with invalid or corrupt Robotic programs. The severity of this varies from game to game but typically the programs in question ran fine to some degree and were never noticed until validation was added.

Title Description Invalid bytecode Fix
Anything made by mikawo's ZZT to MZX converter The global robots produced by this converter are corrupt. This results in the cheats and (in the case of SaintZZT 7th) some options being inaccessible.
04 30 03 00 01 6E
00 23 00 FF 20 FF
20 FF 20
FF 20 97 20 91 B2 DD 20 85
B2 87 20
85 B2 DD 20 83 B2
8B 20 83 B2 DD 20
82 B2 8D
04 30 00 26 00 04
04 5B 00 0E 00 04
01 00 01
07 6A 05 21 5E 77 6B 00 07
01 2C 01
04 30 00 26 00 04
04 5B 00 0F 00 04
01 00 01
Eternal Eclipse Taoyarin (v1.0 only) Several of the robotic bytecode files packaged with this game have malformed program ends. This causes a large number of errors to display in some MZX versions.
AE 00 (the first byte varies)
Loco Loco has a robot with a corrupt program.
04 1D 02 61 00 7E
04 0C 02 F7 74 1F
01 52 00 00 00 00 00 00
04 1D 02 61 00 04
04 6A 02 62 00 04
19 4F 00 20 01 00 05 00
Manuel the Manx The control robot on the "House" board of Manuel the Manx is entirely corrupt starting about midway through. It doesn't matter much as this board is inaccessible.
0F 6E 00 04 00 0A 6C 6F 6F 70 63 6F 75 6E 84 84 84
Sidewinder's Engines Two robots have the last 00 byte replaced with FF.

Some games have global robots marked "unused". Some MZX versions would retain a program pointer and length and save garbage bytecode to the world file for these robots. From 2.84c until 2.92c these programs wouldn't be properly ignored, producing some error messages. From 2.92c onward these are silently replaced with a blank program.

Title Description Invalid bytecode Fix
Slave Pit Global robot.
FF FF FF 00 00 00 FF FF FF 88 01 00 ...
Wes Global robot.
00 00
00 43
00 00
00 B0
9A 95 00 00 9B 95 00 ...

Invalid Programs (1.x worlds)

Due to MegaZeux 1.x being much buggier than 2.x, corrupt programs seem to be more frequent in affected worlds. 1.x program conversion will do the bare minimum required to get these to "work" (usually trailing length byte replacement or program termination). Note the bytecode format here is 1.x bytecode and NOT usual 2.x bytecode.

Title Description Invalid bytecode Interpreted as
Chronos Stasis 1.01 FIXME unknown location.
01 4D 00
Chronos Stasis 1.01 Upper camera (17- Aviary Lab)
02 4D 00 00 01 00 97 02
02 02 01 02
04 1D 64 6F 00 04

(Affected commands should presumably be 02 02 01 02 and 02 07 97 02.)

02 4D 00 02
01 00 01
02 02 02 02
Chronos Stasis 1.01 FIXME unknown location.
04 1D 64 6F 00 FF
04 1D 64 6F 00 04
Chronos Stasis 1.01 Red button near voice analyzer (22- Life support, etc).
02 02 4D 00 00 01 00 02
01 00 01
02 02 4D 02
Chronos Stasis 1.01 Door code '0' button (28- Meeting Rooms).
07 1E 61 6C 6C 4D 00 00 01
00 08 FC 02 02 02 02 02 02 08 F4 02 FF 00 01 00
07 1E 61 6C 6C 4D 00 00 07

No message displayed

This is for development reference only, as most users will not be able to detect these errors. These are mostly early program ends and 0-length programs that are silently managed internally.

Title Error type Description
Aura MZX Program Early program end.
Catacombs of Zeux, probably countless other VER1TO2 worlds Robot Several robots exist with programs of length 0. These are harmless and ignored with no error.
CR2-6 Program This game contains a line of bytecode with an extra byte, but was otherwise valid. It forced us to rewrite part of program validation! Giel's legacy.
Musings Program Early program end.
Oh No! Not Another Star Wars Parody! Program Early program end.
Postality Program Early program end.
Quest for the Nobles Demo Program Early program end.

See also

Worlds that are incompatible with the MegaZeux port